Impacted People
Outpatient Care
Invasive Procedures

*Updated in 06/2024


Pro Criança Cardíaca is a non-profit medical institution, founded in 1996 by the cardiologist Dr. Rosa Celia. In its 27 years of work, the institution has cared for more than 15 thousand low-income children and teenagers, performed more than 37 thousand consultation, has provided care for 154 thousand outpatients and performed 1.7 thousand invasive procedures such as heart surgeries and diagnostic and therapeutic catheterization. Every month, the institution renders services for approximately 240 low-income children that are cared for by a high-quality team of cardiologists.

This non-profit medical institution, founded by the cardiologist Dr. Rosa Celia, who still leads the institution, was created because it was so difficult for her to say no to low-income families that sought her help in her private practice. Her desire to help made her look for means to make her dream come true.

One of her main goals was that the health facility was not exclusive for medical procedure but also a complete structure to meet the needs of the children as well as their families’, offering a multidisciplinary care, including dentistry, dermatology, nutrition, ophthalmology, and psychology. And to provide help for food, meds, diapers, books and toys.


Pediatric Cardiologist Dr. Rosa Celia Barbosa Fights for Children.
The work of nationally respected cardiologist and pediatrician, Dr. Rosa Celia is an ideal example for the entire world.
The motivation behind her commitment to needy children stems from her personal and professional background. Dr. Barbosa was born into a poverty-stricken family and placed in an orphanage at the age of seven.
Two of her brothers died from lack of proper medical care.  At a very early age, she learned how to recover from setbacks and misfortune. She decided to study medicine and she graduated from medical school in 1969 from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She was awarded a grant and spent three years in London at the National Heart Hospital specializing in pediatric cardiology.
A Fellowship Award enabled her to complete her training at Children’s Hospital in Houston, TX. Her desire to master the latest technologies led to six months of free study at Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Boston, Mass, with whom she continues a relationship.

From humble beginnings, Rosa Celia was already a success story just by the fact that she was entering The State University of Rio de Janeiro, not to mention a woman entering university. While studying medicine at the university she apprenticed in the Hospital Miguel Couto, Casa de Saúde São Miguel and Hospital Aloísio de Castro.

Upon graduation, and despite not speaking English, she earned a scholarship from the British Council to study under the tutelage of world renowned pediatric cardiologist Dr. Jane Somerville.  Rosa Celia would quickly master the English language and go on to complete 3 years at the National Heart Hospital of England.

After leaving England, she completed her formation at the Texas Children’s Hospital of Houston; again a world recognized institution for cardiology.

Dr. Rosa Celia then returned to Brazil and changed the scope of pediatric cardiology in the country, utilizing the unique knowledge and experience gained from her studies abroad.

She founded the Children’s Cardiology Clinic, created the Pediatric Cardiology Unit of Hospital Pro Cardiaco and in 1996 founded the Pró Criança Cardiaca, a non-profit organization whose mission was to focus on providing medical attention and cardiac surgery to underprivileged children.

In 2001, the institutional’s headquarters was established on Rua Dona Mariana, 40, in the Botafogo neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro.

As of April, 2006, the institution has provided more than 8,525 consultations for children, performed over 800 surgeries and more than 250 cardiac catheterizations.

On average the institution attends to 40 children each week and performs 4-6 surgeries each month. The institution also offers preventive dental care to children and works in partnership with the Committee for Democratization of Information (CDI) in creating a digital patient database. In addition, Pro Criança Cardíaca supplies medicines and food staples to patient families.

Stemming from her own volition, Dr. Rosa Celia has created a place for all children suffering from heart disease to have the best possible treatment available. The funding of this work would also not be possible without the perseverance of this diminutive dynamo that is in the person of Dr. Rosa Celia, and continues through the kindnesses of friends, associates and private businesses. This type of philanthropy in Brazil is also a rare occurrence and is just another aspect of the miracle of Dr. Rosa Celia and her importance to the community that she serves.

In 2014, the Hospital Pediátrico Pro Criança Jutta Batista was inaugurated to ensure continuity and sustainability of the work being done by Pro Criança Cardíaca since 1996 and as a new option among pediatric hospitals in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro, with the best infrastructure and technology for pediatric diagnosis and treatment.

The mission is to gather several health solutions to assist all patients’ needs and to offer the best in medicine for the unprivileged cardiac children through the Pro Criança Cardíaca. The Hospital is established on Rua Dona Mariana, 220, in the Botafogo neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro.

Dr. Rosa Celia’s efforts rely solely on the charity of donors and volunteers to continue her lifesaving work.



At headquarter, our team of highly skilled professionals carries out about 140 consultations per month that involve clinical evaluation, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, and 24-hour holter. Other outpatient tests, such as hematology evaluation and tomography, and invasive procedures, such as heart surgeries and catheterization, are performed at Hospital Pediátrico Pro Criança Jutta Batista.

After hospital discharge, the child returns for follow-up consultation to carry on the treatment. During the whole process, the patient is treated by the same team, who provides the necessary support.

Founded in 2003 to treat low-income children and teenagers with heart disease, our dentistry staff is formed by a team of voluntary dentists who offer treatment to Pro Criança Cardíaca’s patients for free and performed more than 5600 dental care.

In addition of treating skin diseases, the dermatologist treats the surgical wound, since scarring is often a delicate point for teenagers.

The nutritionist carries out an individual evaluation offering the necessary caloric support for each patient with heart disease and overweight in addition to help families to keep healthy habits.

The psychology team offers support to the patient and their families, treating the psychological aspects associated with heart disease. We try to develop the patient’s resilience during the pre-surgical time, and promote the understanding regarding the disease itself, in addition to develop an acceptance related to the patients’ activity restrictions. It is important to emphasize that conditions related to both emotional and socioeconomic needs are also addressed.

Vision is important for the overall development of the child, about 80% of the information that reaches the brain is done through this organ. Delay in diagnosis and referral to a specialist can lead to changes in the child’s visual and overall development. In addition, some diseases can lead to serious damage and need early treatment.

Pro Criança Cardíaca has entered into a partnership for ophthalmologic evaluation offering another resource for the well-being of our patients.

The joint activities of the Social Service and Pedagogy sectors aim to make the health disease process lighter for families and patients. It is in these moments that bonds of trust are built and a work routine is established that structures the exchanges, offering the families a welcoming listening, a sense of belonging, and a decrease in anxiety and stress generated by the health process. It is expected to create favorable conditions to ensure the involvement and participation of all (collaborator, family and patients), using for this multiple actions that aim to improve the quality of the waiting and the service offered, going through the whole process of waiting, consultation, and return home. They are also called actions to strengthen ties and belonging.

The Social Service intervenes in the multiple dimensions of social reality. In the first visit, it welcomes the families and provides general orientation about the Pro Criança Cardíaca program, and it continues with the follow-up of children and adolescents who are in the health-disease process and their families. It builds the users’ socioeconomic profile, identifying the social determinants and their vulnerabilities, in order to enable general and rights orientations, mainly about welfare and social security benefits and to formulate strategies and referrals to the social assistance network. It promotes socio-educational and health promotion actions. And makes a multidisciplinary articulation, aiming at the best care for the patient.


Thousands of children who suffer from a heart disease do not have access to the treatment that may save their lives. Pro Criança changes this story!


“It’s much more than being on the side of an institution that helps people, it’s being on the side of an institution that helps people but made up of people who are really nice.”
Bruno Tocantins, Partner, Tocantins & Pacheco Advogados

“It is very rare to see this level of organization and transparency, which results in high efficiency in their wonderful main mission to cure people from severe illness.”

Eduardo Schmidt, Partner, Schmidt Lourenço Kingston Advogados

“I highly recommend that people collaborate with Pro Criança Cardiac. It’s a project that I know, which is very serious, and which, without a doubt, is a very well made contribution and you can see results!”

Rubem Perlingeiro, Partner, Ulhôa Canto Advogados



Edmundo Falcão

Audit Committee

Mariana Monteiro

Audit Committee

Mauro Moreira

Audit Committee

Antônio José

Deliberative Council

Fernanda Freitas

Deliberative Council

Gabriel Mufarrej

Deberative Council

Márcio Correia

Deberative Council

Pedro Monteiro

Deberative Council

Déa Backheuser

Consulting Board

Luana Lourenço

Consulting Board

Luiz Souto

Consulting Board

Marcílio Moreira

Consulting Board

Márcio Goldenzon

Consulting Board

Pedro Mariani

Consulting Board

Tatiana Tamussino

Consulting Board

Vivi Nabuco

Consulting Board


Fernanda Freitas

Internal Member

Pedro Rego Monteiro

Internal Member

Caroline Costa

Independent Member

Karina D’Ornelas

Independent Member

Renata Rezende

Independent Member



Pro Criança has reached the 41st position in thedotgood’s Top 50 Brazil. in 2023.

This year, thedotgood presents a Top 50 Brazil SGOs, following a Top 25 in 2022. Looking at the diversity of Brazilian organizations, there is a tribute to the diverse and innovative Brazilian Social Good Sphere.

Thedotgood’s mission is to multiply opportunities for interaction in the Social Good Sphere. They highlight good governance and innovation and connect those who put positive impact and social profit first. They envision a world where data-driven insights inspire forms of management and engagement that promote positive economic and social transformations around the world.

And Pro Criança is part of this story, now with international repercussions.

ESG Humanizadas 2022


View Bylaw in pdf.


Learn more about Pro Criança with information and figures referring to the work carried out in the last year.

Capa Activity Report


Find out more about Pro Criança with information and figures relating to our strategic planning this year.



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